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6 Educational Activities at Home for Kids

6 Educational Activities at Home for Kids

Educational activities for kids at home, improve your child’s memory, creativity, and motor skills.

Kids will be spending more time at home, so it’s a good time to expand their knowledge and teach them some valuable life skills, too!

Here are six educational activities that are fun and easy to do to help kids learn while they’re stuck at home.

Entertain kids with easy crafts

Kids love to get their hands dirty and create something new. They are naturally curious, and with the right materials, they can be entertained for hours.

Here are some easy crafts that you can do at home with your kids:

Paper plate crafts

Paper plate crafts are one of the easiest activities you can do with your kids. All you need is a paper plate; craft supplies and some imagination! You can use this simple craft to make anything from butterflies to birds to flowers. If you want to get really creative, try using different colored plates for different colored animals or insects.

Paper bag crafts

Paper bag crafts are another fun way to keep your kids entertained while still teaching them about recycling! You don’t need any fancy supplies or tools either; just take an old grocery bag and let your little ones decorate it however they want! They can paint or draw on it or even cut out shapes from magazine pages to add some color and interest. You can even use these bags as gift wrapping paper for birthday presents or holidays if you don’t have any other paper lying around the house!

Educational Activities: Play learning games

Learning through play can be fun, engaging and educational for kids of all ages.

Here are some educational activities at home for kids:

Play online money games. Learning about money is a great way to teach kids about the value of a dollar and how to manage their own. Have your child play online games related to finance like Grocery cashier. This game will help young children understand addition and subtraction as well as money by operating a virtual cash register.

Grocery Cashier money game for kids

Use flashcards to learn new words or ask them to spell a random word and ask what it means, so they’ll be exposed to words they don’t already know.

Create a treasure hunt to find items around the house. This will help get your child accustomed to the items in his or her home and how they are used.

Teach them a new skill

It’s important to teach kids new skills while they are young so they can get the most out of their childhoods. You can teach them anything you want, but here are some ideas:

Cook or bake something delicious together. Teach them how to cook and make simple meals. They will love helping out in the kitchen and eating the food they made themselves. If you have an older child, let them help you make a meal for your family or friends.

cooking with kids

Art: Let your child draw, paint, sculpt or do whatever they want with art supplies. Encourage creativity and have fun with it!

Sports: Sports can be a great way for kids to learn about teamwork and encourage physical activity in their lives. A sport like tennis, basketball or soccer is perfect for an active kid who wants to keep moving all day long!

Watch a movie marathon together, classic and new favorites alike.

Kids love movies. They’re colorful and fun, and there’s nothing better than curling up with a movie marathon on the weekend.


Reading is the best way to keep your child’s mind active and one of the best ways to keep children engaged and interested in learning. It can be difficult to find quality time to read with your children, but you should make the time when possible. Read books together as a family and discuss them afterward. Let your child choose which books they want to read, as well as what time of day they want to read them.

Set up a Garden

The benefits of gardening are endless, from learning the names of different plants to nutrition and environmental awareness. So, if your kid is into plants, why not set up a garden in your backyard or balcony?

You can start with any size of the container – from small pots to large planters. Then, choose the plants that your kid will love. For example, if he loves flowers, you can choose colorful flowers like lilies or tulips. If he prefers vegetables instead, try planting tomatoes and cucumbers.

If you have limited space at home, try planting herbs instead of vegetables or flowers. They are easy to grow and they don’t require much care so they are perfect for kids!

Remember, the point of these activities is to keep your kids engaged and having fun while learning and creating some valuable family time together. Building on the skills your child has learned at school will help maintain the sense of accomplishment they feel once they are back in their environment with other children and caught up in their daily schedule. Allowing them to return to school with a positive feeling about themselves as learners will further encourage and entrench them in their learning environment. Keep it fun, silly and add plenty of love and family bonding time so your kids know that these activities were truly meant just for them.

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