
Lucrative Business Ideas for Single Moms

Being a mom has its own shares of joys and woes. To manage the ‘job’ successfully, one has to learn how to multitask, more so if you are a single mom. You can’t just afford to enjoy the bliss of motherhood because you also need to foot the bills. This will require that you find a job. However, a mom must also take care of her kids. Most single moms face this dilemma. This is why home businesses make great small-scale business ideas for single moms. With some creativity and a small capital, you stand to survive the challenges facing a single mom like you.


business ideas


If you are looking for small-scale business ideas for single moms, here are a few worth considering:


1. Caring for your neighbors’ kids. Mothers are intrinsically caring and nurturing. You can capitalize on it to give you the opportunity to earn. If your home is already childproofed, you may not need to spend a lot on that aspect anymore. Go around the neighborhood and offer your service to fellow moms who would like to find a job if only someone can look after their kids. If you are active in the church or community projects, this will be an easy thing for you to do.


2. Cooking for your neighbors. How many of your neighbors wish they can enjoy a home-cooked meal when they sit down for dinner each night? All you need to do is talk to the working moms in the neighborhood about dinner deliveries or pick-ups with a menu for them to choose from. Now they need not worry about cooking when guests or friends from work or kid’s school will stay over to have fun, to do work or school projects. You can even go the extra mile by buying or renting food displays at Premier Rentals so that clients who personally go to your house to order can see firsthand the presentation of your delectable dishes.


3. Accounting work you can do at home. With the Internet, you can stay connected to your previous employers. If you are an accountant, you can still do this kind of work at home. You can also start within the neighborhood. Ask people engaged in small home-based businesses if they need help with their accounting; all businesses do. Offer a friendly, neighborly rate that will be hard to resist. You can also augment your income with online jobs that deal with medical claims billing for additional income.


4. Let your creative juices flow. If you are naturally artistic, visit websites that have online tutorials for various creative projects – making of aromatic candles, soaps, perfumes, and other crafts that you and your bigger kids will enjoy doing. Go to gift shops and supply stores for more ideas and materials. Stay online and learn how to use it to sell your products.


5. Use your gift of gab. If you have literary and writing prowess, know that there are many online opportunities for writing content such as – product descriptions, blogs, e-books, newsletters, sales copies, articles, and such. Almost each website needs content to attract visitors and generate traffic. If you are not a good writer, you look for freelance typing assignments and medical transcription jobs online.


6. Build your own website. If you have the ability to create a website, you can build one. You can also collaborate with other single moms who have abilities to make your website monetized. You need some technical knowledge about designing and developing a website. You also need someone to create content so as not to spend on paying a writer. There are a lot of free tutorials and tools that you can use to develop your site. Most importantly, make sure you choose a niche that has a demand and that you are passionate about.


These are just six of the many possible small-scale business ideas for single moms. Pick the one you think you are most passionate about and pursue it with passion and vigor. Soon you might see yourself in the position to help other single moms like you.


Photo Credit to: Sam Koop (Pinterest)

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