Monsoon season is officially in our country, it’s time to put away your flip flops and start getting your Wellies out of storage. Wellies is a British slang term for rubber boots also known as gummies. Rubber boots are definitely a must-have during this season because it keeps the feet dry during heavy rains and minor flood. You can pick up a lot of bacteria by merely walking in the flood, so think twice before you go on ahead and plunge your feet into the flood water.
Rubber boots should be a rainy day staple in your closet, because not only do they protect your feet from the rain and germs and what not that you can get from flood water, it can also be stylish and be the statement piece in your outfit. Unlike before when rubber boots were only worn by gardeners, fishermen or by firemen and only came in colors like black, red and blue, today, rubber boots sport stylish designs, from floral prints to animal prints, to retro prints and any other print you can think of. Don’t be afraid to get bold prints, and be as bold as the monsoon season!