home improvementTips

6 Clever Hacks for a Minimalist Home

The minimalist interior design look is big this season. Crisp neutral palettes and clutter-free surfaces are the order of the day. It’s not a hard trend to pull off, as long as you know what you’re doing. To help you along, I’ve put together some top tips, tricks and hacks. You’ll be on your way to a minimalist home in no time.

  1. The Colours

As already mentioned, the key to this trend is crisp and neutral palettes. You don’t have to stick with all white everything, however. There are some beautiful pastel colours that will also work with this look. Buy yourself a tester pot of a crisp and pale colour, that you think will work in a particular room. Now, paint yourself a feature wall. This usually works best on something like a chimney breast. Another great idea is to paint the bottom half of your wall in your chosen colour. This will make your ceilings look higher too!

  1. De-Clutter

You cannot pull off the minimalist look with a tonne of clutter in your house. It’s time to get rid of that junk you’ve been harbouring for years! Make three piles of things you want to keep, things you could sell or donate, and things that can just be thrown away. This is a super quick way to de-clutter, that won’t feel like such a chore.

  1. Bookcases and Shelves

These are fundamental furniture pieces in a minimalist home. However, you don’t want to fill them with knick-knacks. This kind of defeats the object of trying to cut down on clutter. Instead, you want to think of them as pieces of art. Go for ornaments of different shades and sizes, to create a truly show-stopping piece.

  1. Drawers and Cupboards

If you were wondering where to put your clutter, this is it! You want to keep it out of sight, so invest in plenty of drawers, cupboards and dressers. You can even make your own if you’re feeling crafty. Companies like Accuride supply rails and slides for drawers, so you just need the wood. Paint them in one of the neutral colours you chose above.

  1. Hidden Storage

You may not have enough space in all your drawers and cupboards for everything that needs storing away. Luckily, there are some pretty clever hidden storage ideas on the internet. You can create pull-out shelves in your kitchen or knick-knack holders from old books. Have a look around on places such as Pinterest for ideas.

  1. The Big Clean

The last tip isn’t an interior design hack, as such. However, it will help you get a minimalist home. Before you unveil it to the world, you’re going to want to do a big clean. This will finish the look off and make you feel like you’re in a new house! I’m not talking about a little bit of vacuuming and polishing, however. We’re talking a deep clean, from top to bottom. You can’t have a minimalist home with dusty picture frames. Only once you’ve finished this mammoth task will you be ready to show off your new home.

I told you recreating this minimal look trend is super simple! Get started now and you’ll have an on-trend home in no time.


Images are from pixabay.com



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