Many car enthusiasts depend on car auctions to find great deals on cars they want to fix up. From classics to hard-to-find limited editions, car auctions are often one of the best places to visit. These events generally run for three or four days, allowing enthusiasts to look over the various options before they head to the auction block.
With the pandemic closing much of the country for the spring months, people have missed out on some of the hottest car auctions. The auctions were forced to cancel or reschedule as many states placed on limitations on gatherings of over 50 or 100. Considering that some of the larger auctions would bring in car enthusiasts by the thousands, there was no way that they would be allowed.
While some of the auctions continued by placing photos and descriptions of the vehicles online, others have promised that they would be back in 2021. It left many car enthusiasts to explore other means of finding vehicles that they could work on.
Whether people purchased cars on eBay, Craigslist, or other directories, many had to hope for the best. They were forced to buy sight unseen or make a quick determination if the vehicles were good enough to buy.
Now, there are people facing a variety of problems. Asbestos found in the brakes, clutches, and other parts can lead to the presence of mesothelioma. While the Mesothelioma Cancer Network can provide resources for those who have been diagnosed, it can lead to a number of health problems. No one anticipated developing cancer simply by working on cars, yet this is what some unlucky car enthusiasts are now faced with.
It’s important to understand that asbestos is found in all sorts of auto parts. Shouldn’t it be illegal to sell them? While it’s illegal to have asbestos in buildings, it’s still legal to sell auto parts containing asbestos. It has been estimated that brake and clutch parts can even contain up to 35 percent asbestos.
It’s not just asbestos that people are finding in the cars. Some are finding a buildup of mold and mildew. Others are finding that the engine and other problems are significantly worse than what the owner had described them as. This is resulting in people having to spend much more than they initially planned in order to fix up the car that they bought.
Most of the car auctions provide an in-depth inspection before they go onto the block. Issues that are present are disclosed so that problems are avoided later on. Additionally, many enthusiasts have the ability to explore every inch of the car for a day or two before having to decide whether they want to place a bid.
Many car buyers have learned the hard way that inspecting a car is of the utmost importance. ‘Buyer beware’ has been a hard lesson for many. Now, many are simply hoping that the car auctions come back quickly to make it easier to find better deals and avoid asbestos, engine problems, and more.