gardenhome and gardenTips

Clean Up Your Garden With My Advice

Has your garden been looking a little bit of a mess lately? I know the feeling. Don’t worry though because I’m going to give you some tips on how to clean it up. It’s actually quite common for gardens to look messy during the winter. The reason is quite obvious. People are going out in their gardens less so it falls into a state of disrepair. I can offer you some tips on how to avoid this issue.

Falling Leaves?


Falling leaves are a pain and a bother. Obviously, there’s no real way to avoid falling leaves cluttering your garden in the winter months. Except you can cut the trees back. This will stop the leaves falling all over your lawn. In particular, you should make sure that you are cutting trees back that hang over the house. These can drop leaves that block up gutters and cause general havoc in your yard and house.

Keep Your Grass Short

The easiest way to keep your garden neat and tidy is to keep your grass trimmed short. I know that going out in the garden is the last thing you’re thinking about when the winds are starting to blow. But whenever the weather clears up, you should get outside and start trimming the grass. Don’t forget that long grass will cause wildlife to be attracted to your garden. If you don’t want little critters in your backyard don’t neglect your lawn mower.


I hate the way my garden looks when it’s flooded. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it just becomes a soggy mess. I know a lot of people have this problem. Either their soil density is too high or they have a garden that is is completely flat. This means there is no permeability and the water builds up. When that happens you’ll get soggy puddles clogging up your grass. To avoid this, you can speak to a landscaper. They’ll be able to fix the problem easily by adding a permeable solution underneath your back yard. Then the water from heavy rain will seep away like it is supposed to.

Removing The Mess

On occasion I’ve been known to plant vegetables in my garden. This type of work requires a lot of landscaping. You need to prepare the soil and get a patch of your garden ready. I have to admit this often leaves large piles of soil everywhere. You can clean that up with a mini loader hire. The company will send an operator and they’ll get rid of all those soil hills in your garden, taking it off your property.

Section Your Yard

Choosing your Patio Furniture
Image credit: SITS Girls –

My last tip is to think about changing the layout of your garden. A yard that is completely grass often looks untidy by default. The reason for this is that it is such a wide open space if anything is even remotely out of place, it looks untidy. That problem can be sorted out by laying down some patio. That way, you will have different sections in your garden and it will look very stylish.

I hope you find these tips useful and spend more time in your backyard once the weather improves.

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