When planning to go out for a romantic date with your loved one for your anniversary celebration, it is best recommended to plan the occasion ahead. The ambiance of the place to dine in is the first consideration. Scout for a lovely fine dining restaurant which offers good food. Delectable dishes will certainly start your date right. Reserving a table for two will also give less worry, in case the important date falls on a weekend wherein most best eating places are almost full. A fine dining with candle light dinner is undoubtedly romantic. And while eating, listening to good music played through soprano sax or a violin will definitely perk up your most awaited event.
Women are naturally born romantic. I, for instance really treasure and keep memories of romantic moments with my husband. Music creates memoirs, as situations, conditions, dates and events are easily recalled upon hearing it. One of the reasons why most couples have theme songs.
Here is a good old song – Against all odds of Phil Colllins beautifully played by Patrick Curfs on his soprano saxophone. Do you also remember a romantic moment upon listening to this? Speak out your minds, I’ll be very happy if you can share happy romantic moments too