
No Membership Needed: How To Get Fit Without Hitting The Gym

There is no way around it – you need to get fit. Your fitness levels are a big factor in your health, and you should never treat your health with disrespect. The one problem you may have when it comes to your fitness is that you hate the gym. Lots of people can’t stand going to the gym because they hate the routine and the ceremony. There is nothing worse than working out in front of judgmental people, or waiting for ages to use a piece of equipment.

The answer is to cancel your membership and give the gym a wide berth from now, which sounds easy in theory. In practice, it is much harder because you need to find alternative ways to workout that will help maintain your fitness. If you are looking for inspiration, you have come to the perfect place.

Here’s how you can get fit without ever stepping foot inside another gym again!

#1: Bring The Gym To You

The first thing you can do is create a gym at home. A home gym is a great alternative because you get all of the benefits of the gym without any of the negatives. There is no one to pressure you or to judge you, and you can use the equipment whenever you fancy. Plus, you don’t have to get pumped up like you would if you were to go to the gym. All you have to do is roll out of bed and workout for thirty minutes. A home gym may cost you a bit of money in the short-term, but it will make you healthier in the long-term. So, what you do prefer: your health or your bank balance?

#2: Home Exercises

Forget about gyms of all kinds for a minute because they may freak you out whether they are a conventional one or they are in your basement! Instead of a gym, you can work out in your living room or your bedroom with basic exercises. Never underestimate the effectiveness of a press up or a sit up because they can burn calories and help you tone up. If you put together a circuit of exercises that you can do at home, you don’t have to worry about the gym.

#3: Hire A Personal Trainer

You may hate the gym, but it may serve a purpose. Lots of gym goers don’t like going, yet they need to go because the atmosphere forces them to exercise. Left to their devices, they would never exercise in a millions years. That is one reason the home gym and the home exercise are not for everyone. However, there is another way. A personal trainer will make sure that you do everything you need to do to keep fit and healthy. It is their job to push you to your limits and to get you into a routine that is conducive to exercise. A personal trainer can often be the difference between fitness success and fitness failure. Why do you think celebrities use them all of the time?

Group Personal Training at a Gym.JPG
By – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

#4: Embrace The Open Environment

Regardless of where you live, there is always somewhere for you to exercise. If you have the right gear, you can exercise for miles without ever having to go near a gym. It is called running, and it is the most basic way to exercise. As long as you have the right running sneakers, and you are comfortable, you can boost your cardio by a huge margin. The great thing about it is that it is free. That’s right, it doesn’t cost you a penny.

#5: But Do It In A Team

Working out alone is not for the faint of heart. For starters, it is lonely. More importantly, it is also harder to achieve your goals when you are on your own. It is a simple fact that working out in a team makes working out, in general, much easier. More people attain their goals by working with teams or groups of friends than they do alone. If you can, try and persuade a couple of your friends to join you in your quest to get fit. For those of you that don’t have good friends, you can always join a local club. There is plenty of running clubs as well as boot camps that are happy to help you get fit.

Image credit: John Spivey –

#6: Get Out More

The smallest action can make the biggest difference to your fitness. Although walking may not seem strenuous, it is still a form of exercise. In fact, it is one of the best if you are trying to lose weight. You don’t have to kill yourself to get fit and maintain your health. What you need to do is keep active as much as you can. The more you are active, the more calories you are burning. So, try substituting driving for walking or cycling. This change will have a massive impact on your life, and it doesn’t take much to achieve.

#7: Air Purification

Getting out the house is good because it makes you more active. But, it also improves the air content in your body. There is no substitute for fresh air because it is high in oxygen. And, you need high levels of oxygen to work out harder and longer. Bearing this in mind, you may want to consider making a change to your home.

According to, your home may be subject to allergens and bacteria. Obviously, the substances found in the stale air in your home are not going to help you get fitter. However, if you switch to an air purifier, you don’t have to bother about these problems. The purifier will clean the air for you, and you will notice the difference the next time you come to exercise.

#8: Try A New Hobby

Hobbies are great because they usually incorporate physical activity. It doesn’t matter what the hobby is as long as it hits this brief. There are plenty to choose from, so pick one that stands out to you or that you have always wanted to try. Hobbies also make exercising fun, which is essential. When you like something, you do it more often. The problem with exercise is that it is hard work and boring. As soon as you make it fun, you make yourself more likely to maintain your hobby and your fitness.


#9: Eat Healthily

Your relationship with food may be holding you back with regards to your health. Although you mean well, you may not be able to help yourself when it comes to food. It is the age old problem, and you are not the only person in the world that falls to temptation. However, if you can negate your temptations, you can drastically improve your fitness. As soon as you start to eat healthily, you will lose weight. To begin with, that is ideal because excess fat makes it harder to boost your fitness. Just as importantly, your body will start to respond during exercise. To find out more, go to Think of your body as a machine. If you fill it with the wrong fuel, it won’t work. Food is your fuel, so make sure you are consuming the right stuff.

#10: Break It Down

Does the idea of working out for thirty minutes to an hour seem too much? If it does, you should break it down into manageable chunks. As long as you get the time you want, it doesn’t matter whether you do it over the course of a day or a couple of hours. It may not seem like it, but this method is just as effective as working out at a constant pace. In fact, it may be more effective if it gets you to work out on a regular basis.

#11: Take The Dog For A Walk

Pets are amazing because they need just as much exercise as you. As a result, you always have an excuse and a partner to help you reach your goals. The more energetic the dog, the more you will work out. So, if you don’t already have a pet, you may want to consider buying one. Obviously, longer and more intense walks are better for both you and the dog. For those of you that don’t have a pet and don’t want to buy one, borrow one instead! Walking a neighbor’s dog is just as effective as walking your dog.

#12: Have More Sex

Yes, sex is a great way to keep fit. It is not enough to maintain your fitness on its own, not unless you stay in bed all day! But, it is a fantastic way to supplement your exercise needs over the course of a week. You can burn up to 500 calories per session, which is the equivalent of going for a five-mile run.

The gym is an awesome way to get fit, but only if you enjoy it. If you hate it or don’t like it, you need to find another way. The key is your health is exercise, and the key to exercise is happiness.

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