
Grocery Shopping

How often do you do your grocery shopping? In our case, we do grocery shopping twice a month, and that is every two weeks. I buy house supplies in bulk to save time and money. I can save more doing this instead of buying them in a day to day basis.
Through scheduled house supplies replenishment, I can easily monitor my house budget and can timetable other expenses like electric, water, telephone, dsl bills etc. on a monthly term.
Before we go to the supermarket, I make sure I list down all the items needed to be bought in order for me not to forget a thing. My checklist is classified according to categories like:
Bath and Hygiene which includes bath soaps, shampoo, conditioner, cotton buds, alcohol, baby powder, deodorants, facial wash, toothpaste, mouthwash, sanitary napkins, tissue paper, etc

Laundry and cleaning such as detergent soap, fabric conditioner, bleach, dishwashing liquid, iron aid (Glide), floor cleaner, disinfectants, cleaning solutions and the likes.
Kitchen necessities like Cooking oil, soy sauce, salt, vinegar, pepper, catsup, and other kitchen aid supplies.
Foodstuffs, items such as milk, coffee, sugar, creamer, noodles, canned goods, cold cuts, spreads and a lot more
Making a checklist before grocery shopping helps in making a systematize rounds inside the supermarket. I easily get tired roaming around and walking too long make my knees ache. I also get dizzy going to and fro if ever I miss an item, maybe because I am not getting any younger anymore I also prefer to shop in supermarkets where I am very much familiar with their goods sections and segments. Aside that I spend less time, it is also less likely that I miss something. My husband and kids accompany me, for they are the ones assigned to push the cart, .
posing while waiting for me ahaha
one reason why he loves to come with us in grocery shopping
big supermarkets offer a porter service to accompany the cart, not us LOL
he helped us too in transferring the merchandise into the car trunk
My son, Yahmir just can’t wait home to eat his donuts
By the way, on the cashier’s counter, I arrange my purchased items and give instructions to the bagger to bag it separately as I sorted it, so it will be not hard for me to arrange them in their proper places when we get home.Buying of fishes, meat and vegetables in the wet market on the other hand is done on a weekly basis.

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