home furnitures

Guidelines in buying a mattress

A complete, comfortable and sound sleeping experience is needed to allow our body enough rest to remain fit.  If you are having troubles lying properly in your bed and wake up with body aches and pains, then it is about time to replace your custom mattress.

foam mattress

Here are some significant guidelines when buying a new mattress.

Density and firmness are two important characteristics of a foam mattress. The denser the foam, the more it is resilient, durable and of high quality. While firmness is measured by Indentation Load Deflection, or ILD, meaning the greater the number of measured result the firmer the foam is and the lower measures indicates the softness of the foam.

Size and thickness of the foam should be taken into consideration too. 2, 3, or 4 inch foams are available to choose from.  Size varies depending on how would you like it – twin, single, queen, king or custom made.

Decide on what foam types you want to buy. The Memory foam is best in providing body-molding and pressuring relief benefits.  The Latex mattresses likewise provide highest support and pressure release, lessens sore backs and necks and pains brought about by other non-foam mattresses.

A removable cover significantly lengthens the life of  the foam by reducing the wear and tear and protects it from dirt.

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