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How To Keep Your Home Warm In Winter And Cool In The Summer

As a homeowner, there will be one constant battle that you always seem to fight each year. I am, of course talking about keeping your home warm during winter and cool in summer! The thing is; the opposite almost always seems to happen each year.

You might feel that there’s nothing more you can do. You may as well just give up trying to fight a “losing” battle. But, did you know a chance of tactic could help move things in your favor? Sometimes the advice you hear or read about just doesn’t do much in your particular home.

Pink modernist house
Image credit: Andrew Filer – https://flic.kr/p/4hE49Y

Today I am going to share with you some brilliant tips that you can be certain will deliver results. That’s because I’ve tried them out and can confirm they work! Are you ready to get started? Good – let’s begin!

Insulate your roof

You might not think it, but the roof of your house could be to blame for many of your heating and cooling woes! For example, in winter, the hot air in your home rises to your roof. An insulated roof will stop the heat from escaping. The result? Your home stays warm, and your heating bills are lower.

In the summer, roof insulation is also useful again. But how? After all, you want to keep your home cool, not hot? Here’s the thing: good roof insulation will stop the heat from entering the rest of your home!

There are many products on the market that you can use to insulate your roof. Perhaps one of the easiest methods is by using blown-in insulation. This is where the materials get “blown” into your roof space rather than laid out in squares. Check out http://www.fergusonroofing.com/insulation/ to see how it gets done.

Fix your roof

While you’re up in the roof space, check for any problems with the roof itself. Often, tiles will break off and expose your roof to the elements. Cold air and rain can enter, causing all kinds of problems for your home. If you don’t fix such problems now, you could end up with an expensive repair bill.

New copper flashing and seams
Image credits: Groton School – https://flic.kr/p/afkMTN

If you’re not good with heights, I recommend hiring a roofing expert to survey your roof and fix it. You can thank me later when you notice big improvements in your home’s temperature!

Re-point your brickwork

If your house has exposed brickwork on the exterior, take a walk around your property. Survey the walls and make a note of any areas with damaged mortar.

Next, you will need to “re-point” those areas. The process involves raking out the old mortar to a depth of at least two centimeters. You will then need to fill the gaps with some fresh new mortar.

On an old house, you might find it easier just to rake out all the old mortar. Yes, this is prolonged exercise. But, the result is that you’ll improve temperatures in your home. Also, you’ll lower the risk of mold and rising damp in your property.

Mortar mixed inside bucket.jpg
By TomwsulcerOwn work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14708100

Fit triple-glazed windows

In an older house, the gaps between the windows can often let in cold air during winter and hot air during summer. The windows themselves offer little protection against the elements. And they can often break apart over time.

The best solution to that problem is to have some triple-glazed windows fitted. They offer several benefits over older, traditional windows. First of all, they act as a strong barrier against the elements. That means you can stabilize indoor temperatures better. Second, they get made of durable materials and glass.

And, third, they are available in a wide variety of styles and colors. You’ll have no problem finding some triple-glazed windows that suit your home’s design.

Upvc Patio doors.JPG
By Tucker TOwn work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14563426

Seal gaps around doors

Another likely place where air can enter and escape from without your knowledge is by your doors. Or, should I say, the gaps around them! People seldom realize that doors can cause problems, especially when trying to keep warm.

It makes sense to go around your home and inspect all the exterior doors. Check the front, back and side doors of your home. And don’t forget patios and doors that lead out onto balconies. If you spot any noticeable gaps or feel drafts, seal them up.

There are many different products on the market you can use to seal door frame gaps. Some are silicone-based, others are like drywall filler.

Be sure to use a product that works well with your particular door frames. For instance, with double or triple-glazed doors, use a silicone-based product. It’s also a useful item in homes that suffer from subsidence. That’s because silicone is flexible.

Open your curtains on a cold, sunny morning

The temperatures outside might be freezing. But, there is one advantage to opening all your curtains each morning. You let the sun’s warm rays into your house!

As the day goes on, your rooms will heat up for free thanks to the sun! As it starts to set, you can then close your curtains to keep the heat inside of your home. You’ll also need to turn the lights on, of course!

Close your curtains during heatwaves

Do you have thick, heavy curtains on your walls? If so, one way to keep your rooms cool is to keep them drawn during the day! As you’ll have gathered a moment ago, the sun can easily heat up a room.

During the height of summer, the sun will heat your room faster than the middle of winter. From mid-morning to afternoon, keep your curtains closed if you want to cool down your home. That way, you won’t walk around sweating all day long!

Invest in air conditioning

Last, but not least, you may wish to invest in an air conditioning system for your home. It’s a brilliant way to cool down several rooms in your abode. Split air conditioners are also quiet, and they won’t keep you awake at night. Check out http://www.homedepot.com for more details.

Good luck!

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