
Packing Right: Travel Hacks You Need to Know

Knowing what to pack can be a difficult and daunting task before any vacation. Sometimes we take too many things with us, and need to cut down on space. Using these helpful travel hacks will make packing a whole lot easier. This article is going to cover some travel hacks every traveler needs know before hitting the road.

Image credits to: Brent Hellickson on Flickr –


Packing Light

We all know the feeling of wanting to pile up everything in the bag, just in case, but most likely you’re not going to use all that stuff. Packing light will save you time, money, and energy. You can buy whatever you need once you reach your destination. Adding more luggage than necessary will only add extra fees to your plane ticket if you’re flying. Leave all of your soaps and shampoos at home. The hotel you’re visiting will, most likely have some there for you to use. Leave your bulky laptop, smartphone, videos games, and cameras at home as well. Bring a tablet instead. These tablets have all of those entertainment devices rolled into one.


Pack Neatly

Organizing your stuff will significantly increase the amount of space you have in your bag. Roll up your clothes instead of folding them as this will create more room for packing. Everything you want to take with you will connect together similar to Lego blocks. Keep shoes packed tight at the bottom and make sure you have a place to put dirty clothes for later. According to staff at the BCMI Mgmt hotels in Lloydminster AB, when suitcases are neatly packed away during the day, it is much easier for cleaning as well.


Keep Important Documents Separated

Don’t keep your credit cards, debit cards, IDs, and passport all in one place. Mix them up in different areas. If one item gets lost, you won’t lose everything. Make copies of your passport and IDs so just in case you lose something, you’ll have some documentation to present to the embassy if they ask to see proof of your identity. If you lose your cards, you can always cancel them and spend your cash money, and vice versa, if you lose cash, you can always use your debit cards to take money from an ATM.

Keep these travel tricks in mind when packing, and you should be fine. You can become a travel packing expert in no time. Make sure you’re safe and have everything you need. Have a great trip.


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