Over the past few weeks, I noticed a problem with my water tank at home guys. No matter what I did, it just refused to stop leaking from a number of different places. You might think this means it needs replacing, but after speaking to a few experts and asking their professional opinions, it would seem that isn’t necessarily the case. This made me wonder; how many water tanks have been replaced unnecessarily over the last few years? Millions I imagine, but that’s a trend I’m looking to stop. After all, replacing an entire unit when it can be simply refurbished and used for many more years seems mighty wasteful, I’m sure you’ll agree.
The very first person I spoke to was my dear friend David who works for a tank specialist called Covac. He told me the specific type of plastic boiler I had was prone to problems, and people who work for his firm spend the majority of their time dealing with this particular model. Still, what I thought would be negative and costly news turned into something a little brighter when he said it was possible to fix the leaks in only a short amount of time. Leaking water tanks are no longer the hassle they once were, and with modern techniques, the whole problem can be sorted in only a few hours.
Just before my friend David left to visit his next client, he told me a number of things about water tank maintenance that I’d definitely never come across before. With that in mind, I thought it might be wise for me to relay this information to you now. Hopefully, it will help you to avoid any avoidable issues in the future.
Draining and Cleaning
Over the years, lots of calcium with accumulate at the bottom of your tank, and this can often begin to cause erosion if you don’t deal with it properly. Luckily, all you really need to do is drain the tank using the value located at the back, and then fill it back up again using the cold water valve.
Frequency of Flushing
The technique for draining and cleaning explained above is known in the industry as flushing, and depending on which manufacturer created the tank in your home, the frequency at which this should be done will vary. In most instances, you should aim to flush your water tanks at least once every four months. However, this can be as regularly as every two months, or as spread out as once per year.
While this might only be a short amount of simple information, my friend the water tank specialist says using it properly is the best way to avoid leaks and make your tank last longer. Also, he said it’s worth running your hands all the way around the tank when the water is cool, just to check for leaks. You can also add a small amount of dye to the water to make it more visible.
So there you have it my friends. Admittedly, this article was a little less exciting than some of the others I like to post, but as it could save you a lot of time, money and hassle, I thought you’d be interested to read it.
See you back here tomorrow!