
Sugar-Free and Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake

Because of the recent discovery of the health problems that result from refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, many people are searching for sugar-free recipes. Many people think chocolate cake cannot be done without sugar, but there is a recipe that says that it’s possible and it’s the perfect dessert after your low calorie dinner to not feel like you’ve ruined the good work! Take a look at the recipe for gluten-free, sugar-free chocolate cake.

chocolate cake
sugar free chocolate cake
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Chocolate Cake Ingredients List and Health Benefits of Each

Almond flour (2 Tablespoons): Almond flour is associated with lowering the risk of heart disease via vitamin E by 30 percent. Skin health, cholesterol, bowel function and immune system are improved by eating almonds. People with nut allergies may want to consider substituting corn flour, rice flour, oat flour, coconut flour, potato flour or soy flour in the recipe.

Salt(1/4 Teaspoon): Salt or sodium helps cells operate efficiently.

Unsalted Butter (Two Tablespoons): Butter is a significant source of absorbable vitamin A, which is recommended for thyroid and adrenal health. is also a significant source of vitamin E, vitamin K and selenium. Butter also has anti-cancer properties and prevents tooth decay. Lauric acid is recommended to treat fungal infections.

Cocoa Powder (1 Tablespoon): Similar health benefits to semi-sweet chocolate.

Pure Vanilla Extract (1 Teaspoon): Vanilla can help with nausea, weight loss, anxiety, stress, wound healing and menstruation. The scent of vanilla may help to promote weight loss. Vanilla may contain antioxidants to fight colon cancer and bowel cancer.

Sour Cream (1/2 Cup Sour Cream): Sour cream is a source of calcium and vitamin D. The food is consists of numerous fats and thus, is not considered a considerable source of nutritional value.

Semisweet Chocolate Chunk (1/2 Pounds). Semi-sweet chocolate chips are the sweetest darker chocolates available. This dark chocolate only contains between 50 percent and 60 percent cacao. People who want a healthier dessert should purchase chocolate with between 85 percent and 100 percent cacao.

Semi-sweet chocolate does not have as many antioxidant properties as dark chocolate, but it can help improve circulation, mood and cholesterol to a certain extent. It may also prevent some cancers. Cacao flavanols can provide cardiovascular benefits, and phenylethylamine and anandamide can provide an energy lift. Cocao contains iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, E, D, A1, B1 and B2.

Eggs (5 eggs separated): Five egg whites will be used in the recipe and two yolks. Vitamin D is useful for bone health and is found in abundance in the body. Eggs can reduce risk of breast cancer by 44 percent when eaten in boiled or poached form. When mothers consume two eggs daily, unborn babies have a higher IQ. Eggs improve concentration, facilitate brain development, improve eye sight, prevent blood clots and countless other benefits.

Recipe for Sugar-Free Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake

Heat Oven: Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Coat Springform Pan: Coat a pan with butter and cacao powder.

Blend Main Ingredients: Melt the chocolate and butter. Stir until smooth. Add the almond flour, egg yolks, sour cream and vanilla extract and stir until smooth.

Add Egg Whites: Beat egg whites with salt until stiff and glossy. Add one-quarter of egg whites and fold them into the main mixture gently. Pour the mixture into the pan.

Bake: Bake mixture for 20 minutes until the toothpick comes out with moist crumbs.

Cool: While cooling the cake on a rack, the cake will fall. When cool, loosen the edges with a knife and remove the pan sides.

Ice the Cake: Sugar-Free Chocolate Mousse can be used to top the cake.

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  1. i remember writing about gluten-free diet for work, and i must say i really learned a lot. however, i wasn’t planning on trying it, at least, not after reading this post and learning there is a recipe for gluten-free chocolate cake! 🙂 thanks for sharing ate joy!

  2. having family history of diabetes made me shy a way a little from sweets. Good thing I only crave for them and not really part of my everyday munches. This looks really yummy. I hope I can have a way of getting one.

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