Keeping your home and family safe is all about taking preemptive steps to hedge off any major issues before they occur. Here is a look at four common safety and security problems that every family should take a look at today.
1. Schedule an Inspection
Before ever signing any papers, every buyer should have the property thoroughly inspected by an experienced, certified, and trustworthy inspector. The primary job of these specialists is to ensure that the house meets all safety codes. From there, they may also offer suggestions on how to make the home more safe and efficient, as well as what components of the home may need to be replaced and repaired. This may include anything from putting up new roofing and installing better rain gutters to weatherproofing the pipes or upgrading the HVAC system for cleaner air.
2. Update Security on the Property
A simple way to protect one’s home and their property while cutting down on home insurance bills is to install a home security system immediately after moving in. In addition to changing all the locks and tumblers, a security system is one of the most effective ways to deter potential criminals from breaking into a home. Modern systems can easily be controlled with a touchscreen controller and you canset preferences on alarms, motion sensors, and cameras. These security features can also be integrated with a home automation system to cut down on heating and cooling bills. Check out NorthStar Alarm reviews and those of similar companies to better understand your options.
3. Search Your Home Like a Child
If you are worried about the safety and security of your home, there is a good chance that you have one or more small children. Scheduling an inspection and updating the security system are great places to start, but homes can be enormously dangerous with more than 2,000 children fatally injured in the home each year. At least a few times a year, parents should walk through the home and thoroughly inspect cabinets for dangerous chemicals, upgrade child safety locks, and look for potentially dangerous areas for falling or other accidents.
4. Test the Air for Radon, Allergens, and other Contaminants
The average family is going to spend quite a bit of time within the home, and this means that it is important to regularly test the air for any serious toxins or contaminants. If the home has not been tested for radon, over-the-counter testing kits can be used to get a general idea if there is radon lingering in any rooms. If families are susceptible to respiratory issues or have been experiencing chronic respiratory problems, they should consult with an air quality testing and solutions company.
5. Don’t Broadcast That You Are on Vacation
We all love social media, but you probably never considered that shouting to the whole digital world that you are away could lead to a break-in while you are most vulnerable. Instead of posting your vacation plans beforehand, wait until after you return to upload your photos and adventures.
6. Keep All Ladders and Tools Locked Up
If you leave a ladder clearly visible in an open shed filled with valuables, you are inviting someone to loot your shed and potentially even your home. Lock up all your tools and expensive belongings, and don’t make it easy for intruders to reach entry points. Sharp bushes below windows are always a good idea, and you may even want to remove any foliage around windows so burglars don’t have places to hide.
Taking these few proactive steps will help keep your family safe and healthy throughout the years while protecting them from many concerns found in the average home.