There are two competing philosophies in the modern world. The first is a striving for perfection; the idea of the perfect bikini body that we all must conform to. The second is the rival philosophy. It dictates that insecurities are to be risen above, that you are perfect as you are and it’s all a matter of self-confidence.
It may seem that the second is the answer and the only area that you should focus on. But it’s so much easier said than done. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, all the positive self-talk is going to be falling on deaf ears.
Dealing With Lack of Self-Confidence
Managing poor self-confidence should be addressed as a mental health matter. It is not a matter of vanity; we all have a right to feel comfortable and secure in our bodies. A lack of self-esteem can mean we restrict our lives, from the people that we spend time with to the jobs we tend to go for.
When It’s Chronic
Self-confidence issues come in two different types. One is more an underlying issue, which has been with the sufferer for as long as they can remember. For these people, it may be a matter of brain chemistry.
When It’s Acute
There are then other times when the lack of confidence stems from a recent event. The sufferer tends to feel well about themselves but something changes, impacting them. One such example of this is pregnancy; the new mother loves their child, but less so what the pregnancy has done to their body.
Treatment Options Vary
There are several things to try, depending on whether or not the issue is chronic or acute.
If you have a longstanding problem with an area of your body, then intervention is an option. There may be procedures, such as breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, which can fix a problem region. Sometimes, this is the best choice. If you have struggled to overcome something for years, then continuing the same approach is dubious in efficacy.
You can also try forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, known as CBT if there is no one area you are concerned about. This can address the problem holistically and try and identify patterns of self-defeating thoughts. Many of us are guilty of negative “self-talk,” which traps us in a cycle of constantly feeling at our worst. CBT can help to unpick this thinking and get our self-image on the right track.
For more acute cases, there is less need for immediate intervention. Give yourself time to adjust to your new body; you may overcome it and adapt to the new you. If that doesn’t happen and the issue then becomes chronic, consider the methods mentioned above.
Sometimes, You Can’t Think Yourself Better
On a final note, at times, it isn’t possible to tell yourself all is fine and you are perfect. And that’s okay! If you feel dejected about something, then it’s within your rights to do so. The only person you are responsible for is you.